Sunday, November 7, 2010

Polka Dot Accordion Alterations

Thanks to Michael’s $1.50 bins (and who doesn’t LOVE the sales bins!!) I was inspired to make this little altered accordion album.
The book was actually full of various size post-it notes that I pulled out so I could use for the hard cover for my album.
The accordion part that pulls out was a file folder (again from the sales bins) that I cut down to size and folded to fit the book.
Little doodads, some brads and some string, and it’s a cute little show and tell.
I have a sleep over with me niece coming up soon (she’s all potty trained and now time for her sleep over with auntie Dowa). I think I may use pictures from our play date to personalize it and gift it to her for her memory box.


1 comment:

  1. Love It, I had no idea you were so crafty. Have you scrapbooked? I have some girls over once a month, and its a learn to scrapbook session hosted by me. Usually its coffee & tea that accompany it but I am not oppose to red wine ;)
    Steph Berry
    better known as "Hunson"
