Monday, December 6, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

So it has been a busy day of crafting goodness...time well wasted!
Sticky fingers, paper bits everywhere, buzzed on eggnog lattes and ready to count down Christmas!
My sister and I have finished and it is now time for the unveiling of this year’s advent calendar.
Here is what I came up with:

The frame is a cookie sheet that we picked up at one of our local dollar stores. We found the little tins at the same time, which are actually spice jars. I think it turned out great and can’t wait to fill it up with all kinds of little presents!
Plus, this way my fiancé Weebo will be able to open up a Christmas present on Christmas Eve, which is one thing I will not budge about ;)

1 comment:

  1. Mine is nicer :p. I love it ! Way fun to make and so easy too!
