So where to start??? So much is going on. So much I wanna bitch about! And geek out about!! How bout that last episode of Glee?? The Brittany episode?! Is it NOT the greatest show ever!! I cant think of very many other ways that are THAT great to waste time with! Well...except made gluing some doodads on some paper....or reading a book....or eating. I love to eat...
But here is my wine fuzzed reflection of the night. Its funny that after all those years in school... Adolescent years trying your damndest NOT to be a geek. I am so proud to be a geek! I love it. I call my crafting time ”geekin out” as my man is downstairs, killing virtual Nazis and geekin out in his own way (* the only reason I budged on the purchase of the new PS3 to play said slaying game after the last one blew up, was to get the DVD player back...)
My crafting obsession all started with the roomie. “Meemaw” as she is referred to by her best friends. She’s great. “Meemaw”. Just good shit. My first roommate (and hopefully the only, other than my husband) and I couldn’t be luckier have met someone who gets me so well. (this one time, I was a waitress for 4 years and met Meemaw while working at Ric’s Grill) Her addiction to Michaels quickly rubbed off on me. Before Meemaw, Michaels was a store that I had walked into like...maybe 5 times in my life. Then...the day of my glory came....I walked in those doors and my life has never been the same.
Nore my wallet lighter.
So I started crafting. Really, it all started with one harmless scrapbook. Which quickly turned into a second and third scrapbook. Well, many googling hours later, watching how to videos, learning all kinds of wicked techniques, I have rediscovered crafting. Realized that it’s SOOO much more fun then gluing popsicle sticks together when I was 13 (which, don’t get me wrong, TOTALLY rocked!)
I even like to think some of it’s not too shabby.
And regardless of what my mother says... It doesn’t “do” anything.. It just IS. Just art. And sticky fingers!
One of the first projects I undertook. I took an old hardcover book and altered it into...well into art! I took the Geisha theme and ran with it
Many hours of Modge-podge fumes later, and lots of inspirational merlot, I’m quite happy with the way it turned out and it’s still one of my favourites to date. The quotes were all Confucius sayings that I found online. I honestly think that the book was a cheesy romance novel...maybe if you look close u can catch some smut ;)
A few other pages in it:
A pretty fun way to spice up a dead book that would have ended up in the garbage. So even though it doesn't "do" anything, it just IS...what do you think? I think its a more entertaining coffee-table book then just some random one you can pick up at Chapters...
Still one of my favorites :)