Tonight after work, I am just hanging out on the couch and watching reruns of Sex and the City. A show I have honestly begun to appreciate. On the couch sitting next to me is my computer. As the shows play along in the background (Carrie is cheating on Aiden with Big in these episodes) I listen with half an ear to Carrie write her columns and ask all these deep life questions. With the other part of my brain * I flip through blogs and randomly “drop in” on other people’s lives.
I have been thinking about this for a while...putting it “out there” and sharing. So I'm thinking to myself...can I honestly commit my totally random thoughts to words in a way to keep a few people in my life entertained? Can I pull off a blog?
Then I find one particularity BAD blog...horrid. PLUS my crafting totally kicked her craftings ass!
My man is outta town no date night...
Its Saturday, I’m pooped after work. Not gonna get too much more exciting than this...
Thinking to myself...
HELLS YA! I can totally write a blog...
Ramble on bout some shit to make you all roll you eyes. Throw up all my crazy crafting ideas and altered art and household purdies that I have been inventing! Make someone else suffer other than just my fiancé ;)
So after doing so serious reading into other peoples blogs over the last few months, I have decided that I think this is something I want to do.
So I have grabbed my pc and fired this off. My new online “whatever”!
Ill maybe think up some witty things to say. (Or just get a good wine buzz and ramble...Post up some purdy pics on my blog.)
And if I don’t succeed in being a “good” blogger, just grab a glass of red wine with me. It may help you “catch” my wit. I know it helps me. Helps me randomly write shit!
*I keep reading that multi tasking kills brain cells....fer true??? Did u catch what my job I'm a woman! I'm toast.. and toasted...times two.
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