Sunday, January 2, 2011

Santa Snuck a Cookie By Me

The holidays have come and gone for another year.  And I must say that the little girl in me was delighted to awaken early Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought!

The coffee was percolating happily, waiting to meet up with my liqueur of choice (Frangelico) to add a little Christmas buzz to the mix. The presents were all beautifully arranged under the tree. It was only a matter of time before the ripping open of all the pretty packages began; excited to see what surprises awaited us.

Well, let me state right now: Santa did not let me down. Santa spoiled me rotten and Santa managed to surprise me ;)

Best present of all? Well, that will have to wait until I tell my story:

About 2 weeks before Christmas, I came home from work one night. I had been snooping on my blog and was utterly disappointed with the quality of pictures I had been posting. I have been having an issue with my camera for a while, pictures constantly out of focus and crappy quality. I especially began to notice once I began blogging, Out of 30 pictures that I would snap off, only one or two were of a decent quality. And even then, the ones that made it to my blog were not all that fantastic.

So I get home from work and plop down on the couch next to Weebo. I then proceed to go on a 10 minute tangent/sales pitch to him about how I did a survey at work (to all the photography fanatics) Canon vs. Nikon, how badly I wanted a new camera, how much my current one sucks, how we could work it into the budget. I had thought it all out and wanted to know what he thought about it. (this wasn’t a little 200 buck camera I was pitching).

So I have my say. And I turn to him. And what kind of response do I get at the end of it?

A “Yup”.

Yup? Yup! A Yup?? That’s all I get? I was hoping for a little more feedback, a little more input. A conversation of sorts…discussion! Something MORE than a yup!

Well needless to say, I was perturbed. And, smart man that he is, he knew that I was perturbed. So I just shut my mouth. I had my say and I didn’t want to talk about it any further if he didn’t have any input into the conversation.

So, I am sure, being as you are such brilliant people reading this: yes, Santa stuck my foot further into my mouth and brought me a shiny new SUPER FINE camera for Christmas this year!

I had to laugh (and apologize) when I opened it. He was afraid of letting the Christmas surprise out by talking too much about it and I kind of surprised him with me new found passion for pictures ;)

My Santa was (IS!) great to me! I can’t wait to start blogging with my new toy to make it THAT MUCH better!


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