Monday, January 3, 2011


I am not one to make resolutions. I think that they are silly and most of the time, don’t get held. BUT! This year will be the exception. Son of a biscuit-eater, even if it freeken kills me, I will succeed!

And there will be two resolutions!

The first resolution I am making is to “lose the weight”. Groan… Ok I know what you are all thinking, so just shut up and don’t say it! Yes, this nasty 15 pounds that I have put on in the last year and a half MUST GO!

Reason #1: I’m getting married. Nuf said, I just wanna look my ABSOLUTE BEST! Princess for the day!

Reason #2: The dress has been purchased. I bought the “size smaller” which will need a little adjusting instead of the “size larger” which would need a lot of adjusting. I don’t want to be pulling my foot out of my mouth when the “size smaller” ends up needing drastic adjustments.

Reason #3: I feel gross. Frumpy and not so lovely.

Reason #4: (And I think this one takes the cake)…I put on my “fat jeans” the other day. You know the ones... the ones that are the last resort. The ones you put on when nothing else in your closet will fit over your hips. They used to be so baggy….and now? THEY DON’T FIT!

Lose the weight. Get er done! Melt it off. Walk the stairs. Starve myself (jk). Whatever it takes! Its only 15 pounds. Shouldn’t be tooooo much to commit myself to.

On that note, I will say that I hate…HATE! the gym, but if I can just manage to walk the stairs at work, I think that will help till the snow disappears and the weather makes outside fun a little more tolerable.

And the second resolution? To take more pictures in 2011. This will be much easier to accomplish now that I have my fancy new Christmas present J  I want to take all kinds of pictures, because this is OUR YEAR! Time to photographically-artsy-fartsilly document this wonderful adventure that my future husband and I will be going on this year!

I resolve!


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