Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Girl #2

Book Review: The Girl Who Played with Fire
By: Stieg Larsson

I am going to try and not ramble too much on this one (LOL like I can really do that!!).
Suffice to say, I say: Go and get it. Pick it up and devour it!
In my opinion, the second book in the Girl Trilogy was much better than the first. It started off much quicker and seemed to clip along at a good speed. I will say that I think these books were a slight bit overrated, but they are enjoyable for a nice, fast paced novel.
I also love how brilliant Larsson has been with giving you little teases of information into the one of the main characters (Lisbeth’s) past. But on that note, if I had to read “all evil happened” one more time without finding out the secret of what all the evil was, I was gonna start tearing pages out of books! Well, not really but after being teased with “all the evil” for a few hundred pages, I just HAD to know what it was!
I am now having to wait patiently while the book comes out in paperback* hoping that the trilogy ends with a superb wham-bang finish.
* I like things matchy-matchy. Especially my books. I can’t own the first two in paperback and then the third one in hardcover. I just can’t!

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