Sunday, December 18, 2011

All Wrapped Up

I spent my day yesterday happily wrapping presents :)

Does life get any better than that? Making each one sparkly with wrapping and bows…making sure that each one is slightly different. And the smile I get when I think of my special someones opening the speciall gift that I have searched for and thought to myself “this is the perfect present for them.” Or the time and love spent in crafting that unique present for them.

(Though I had to admit to Weebo yesterday that I think Santa went a little overboard this year ;) )

Birthdays were never a big thing at home growing up, but Christmas was always something special. Mom and Dad always went above and beyond, and you always got that one present that you really really wanted.

I remember the first Christmas Weebo and I spent together. I don’t think he really knew what to expect, but it sure wasn’t the heap of presents waiting under the Christmas tree. Christmas morning, that first year, I had to work early. So I was up at 6:30, where I snuck down to the basement and pulled out the extra presents I had stashed down there: Stocking stuffers from Santa!

Its not the material things in life, that's not what Christmas is at all. Weebo and I are defiantly the type of people who, if we really want/need something, we just go out and buy it. But Christmas for me is the surprise, and the delight of “how did you knows” and the look on their face when you get what they really wanted. Or even the things that they themselves would never think of.

Christmas is about the love and laughter that that day brings out every year. Growing up with two sisters, there were always cat fights or someone upset over something. But come Christmas morning, it was always forgotten and the day always reminds me of great memories.

Considering the very pathetic Christmas list that Weebo presented to me (not even a list, more of a discussion in the hot tub one night), I like to think that I did not too bad shopping for him. A few of the things I got him were the “needs” but I got a few of the super sneaky wants in there too.

Also, a few things to bring out the little boy in him too ;)

I know this will be the Greatest Christmas Ever!


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